Monday, August 31, 2015

A closed door

A closed door is not AlwAYs locked, so give it a push at least?!

when A door closes, another opens,
but often we stand there so long looking at the closed door, that we dont see the one thats open...

多年以來, 被踢出門口 n 次,
不知不覺已習以為常 tim!
儘管度門仍然關得好很穩咁, 但就係總唔肯走開... 只會對實唯一愛食嗰隻閉門羹, 而對旁邊其他一度度打開 ge 門望都唔會望一眼, 完全視而不見, 睇唔到!
不過, 企企吓忙這忙那後, 竟然有時會好似唔記得還要繼續揾鎖匙及能奪門而入 ge 機會与方法...
即係話, 一個人在門外罰企 ge 生活已變得一 d 都唔難過 wor!