Monday, September 23, 2013


umm... 有 d d 自閉 tim...

what does it matter??
yes, what i do is my business & NO ONE else...

but are there really just myself & NO ONE else?!
we are interconnected...
we are ONE & what ONE of us does affects all of us...

isolating oneself seems like the antidote to many troubling situations...
isolation seduces us...
it allows us to pretend an uncomfortable circumstance has disappeared...
we may isolate ourselves when we are afraid,
when we need to make a hard decision,
or we need to face a relationship issue...

but, the natural result of isolation is that nothing changes,
neither the situation nor ourselves.
if we expect to experience the gifts life has promised us,
we must be willing to be present to the experiences
and the people who have joined our path...

needless to say,
relationships of any kind rely on interaction...
wanting all relationships to be easy and nonconfrontational is not unusual,
but it's not very realistic because most ppl allow their egos to guide their thoughts & actions...

typically, 2 or more perspectives are expressed during
more discussions, & agreement, or at least acquiescence,
is mandatory if the relationship is to move forward...

isolation as a solution simply doesnt make sense...
relationships cannot heal in isolation...

- isolation & meditation are NOT the same thing
- isolation closes the door to care & conscious contact
- relationship allows us to heal but isolation prevents it
- our isolation harms ourselves & others
- isolation never solves a problem, it will only complicate it

yah we can go away for a while...
but we will, we must, return eventually to the healing path that calls to us...